QECQuality Enhancement Cell

Select Course

Select Teacher

The course objectives were clear?

The Course workload was manageable?

The Course was well organized (e.g. timely access to materials. notification of changes, etc.)?

I participated actively in the Course?

I think I have made progress in this Course?

I think the Course was well structured to achieve the learning outcomes (there was a good balance of lectures. Tutorials, practical) etc.?

The learning and teaching methods encouraged Participation?

The overall environment in the class was conducive to learning?

Classrooms were satisfactory?

Learning materials (Lesson Plans. Course Notes etc.) were relevant and useful?

Recommended reading Books etc. were relevant and appropriate?

The provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate?

The provision of learning resources on the Web Was adequate and appropriate ( if relevant )?

The course stimulated my interest and thought on the subject area?

The pace of the Course was appropriate?

Ideas and concepts were presented clearly?

I understood the lectures?

The material was well organized and presented?

The instructor was responsive to student need and problems?

Had the instructor been regular throughout the course?

The material in the tutorials was useful?

I was happy with amount of work needed for tutorials?

The tutor dealt effectively with my problems?

The material in the Practicals was useful?

The demonstrators dealt effectively with my Problems?

Comments about Subject: